There are two places in the home that are least comfortable with plants in the winter, which are cold windows through which air enters and places above and next to a radiator or other heat source, explained Puneet Sabharwal, CEO and co-founder of Horti, a plant company.

He advises to check that the windows are hermetically closed before deciding to hold plants near them, and it is important to make sure that the leaves of the plants do not touch the cold glass. Radiators, he says, drain air and draw moisture from houseplants, so it's better not to keep them close. If you see leaves vein and take on brownish parts, be sure to move the plant away from the heat source or spray it more often with water.

It is a good idea to group the plants as this helps to maintain a good level of moisture around them, and it can also look very interesting in space. It should be remembered that in winter the rays fall at a different angle to the plants and usually the sun is hidden behind clouds.

"Sunlight is scarce at this time of year, but plants still need it. I advise to keep them closer to the windows facing south or west because they have the most direct sunlight. Also, periodically rotate the pots with the plants so that the plant receives enough light from all sides, ”advises this expert.

Some more tips from Puneet Sabharwal:

Keep an eye on the temperature and humidity

Most plants thrive at temperatures between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius and 50 percent air humidity, Puneet says. Therefore, it is important to adjust the home to these conditions. It's not a bad idea to get an air moisturizer that, in addition to making your plants happy, will make your skin happy as well, because it won't be as dry.

Water them less
House plants grow more slowly during winter, so they need less water. Namely, if you water them excessively, plants are more prone to disease in the winter and this is the biggest problem. Puneet advises to push your finger into the ground to a depth of 2.5 to 5 centimeters to properly determine if the soil is dry or still moist. If you feel it is very dry under your finger, pour some water. Make sure that the water is warmed to room temperature so that the roots do not shock.

Remove dust from the leaves

The accumulated dust on the leaves of houseplants makes it difficult for them to absorb enough light in the already short winter days. Therefore, regularly remove dust from the leaves - wipe them clean every few weeks with a damp cloth. In addition, pay attention to the cleanliness of the windows, because if they are dirty, less light comes to your plants.

Choose plants depending on the conditions

If you do not have enough sunlight in your home for plants, choose the ones that require less light. For example, a zamia (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a plant that is said to be nearly impossible to kill. It does not need much light or moisture, and is very maintenance-free. The saber (Lat. Sansevieria trifasciata, also called the mother-in-law's tongue) is similar. If you have an abundance of direct light in your home, then you are free to reach for succulents.