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Learn Thimble Cactus Care

Mammillaria gracilis is an attractive succulent native to Central Mexico. 

Because cacti are naturally native to hot countries, they like warmth. In summer, the optimum temperature will be + 20-25 degrees. In addition, the mammal can tolerate hot sunny weather, although the plant may not be left in the sun in the heat - the stem can get sunburnt. In winter it is necessary to lower the temperature to + 10-12 degrees. At this time the plant enters a dormant state and gathers strength for later flowering.

Mammillaria requires a small amount of water - the cactus is freezing sensitive. In winter, watering is more likely to be prohibited, you can occasionally spray the plant from a spray bottle - no more than once a month. In summer, the plant is watered no more than once in one and a half to two weeks. If the soil dries heavily (in dry and hot weather), you can spray the nozzle once a week between irrigations.

The plant is photophilic, but a sunny day under direct air is not recommended. A little shading in the hottest hours will only bring benefits to the cactus. The optimal location for mammals is the east or west window. In winter, the cactus will have enough of that sunlight, which can give a shortened day.

- Photo source Pinterest

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