These favorite fruits produce cherry-like fruits, but we certainly distinguish them by taste. The sweet and juicy cherry fruit always brings us back to childhood.
The cherry looks for deeper and moist soil, while the cherry thrives on dry soil as well. Both types look for lighter ground and as much light as possible. Cherries are generally grown in the natural form of a pyramid. The cherries grow naturally in a ball shape and their branches hang down. The shoots are elastic and can be formed along the walls of the house, so they can also serve as decoration. We'll list some cherry varieties so you know when to expect delicious fruits.

The May wound is a cherry variety that has pink skin and soft flesh. It is very small, slightly larger than the wild cherry. Its only advantage is that it matures very early in mid-May.

Mark's wound is a very early cherry, and is a fruit of light red color, soft and juicy. The fruit is small to medium-sized. It is one of the best early varieties of cherries. It blooms early, so it can often get cold from spring frost.

Lion's wound is a variety of large, heart-shaped and light-red fruit color. The flesh is juicy, light brown with a large bone. This long-lived variety ripens at the end of May and is a very native variety of lush growth.

Hedelfinger is the first cherry, a solid meat that ripens in early June. It is burgundy and a very native variety. This cherry is good for brewing.

Germersdorf cherry ripens in the first half of June, gradually.

The beta has a large black-brown fruit and is not rain-sensitive. The meat of the fruit is firm and very fertile. It ripens in mid-June, and the fruits are good for brewing and is suitable for a home garden.

Magda has a large, shiny and black fruit. It is not sensitive to rain and its flesh is medium firm. It ripens in late May and is a very good variety for a home garden.

Star cherry has a very large and aromatic fruit, blackish brown. It is suitable for growing along walls and requires good soil. It is low growth and is particularly suitable for home gardens. It ripens in late June.

The ox's heart has a burgundy, solid, heart-shaped flesh. It is lush growth and suitable for home gardens that have very fertile soil. It is good for brewing and ripens at the end of June.

Schneider's late variety has a very large burgundy fruit, the meat of which is firm and suitable for cooking. Expect ripe fruits in early July.

Denis yellow has a very large yellow fruit with a sour taste. It is sensitive to rain, shoots and can get dark spots. In a suitable climate, the fruit is great for brewing.

Choose a sunny and airy place for your cherry because they do not like cold and moist soil. It is suitable for sandy, slightly acidic or neutral soil. They do not tolerate places with strong winds because they need bees that do not fly in windy weather. Choose a one- or two-year-old seedling about one and a half feet tall and shorten it by a third. Pay attention to the roots, which should not be dry, and if you notice that the root is dry, soak it for a couple of hours in water and trim all dry and damaged parts. Autumn planting in a well-prepared pit or furrow with good compost is recommended to a depth of 70 cm.

The grafted site should be about 10 cm above the ground, and a layer of loose soil must be added to the root, which must be well wilted so that no pockets of air can be left which could further dry the root. Rub the earth with rubber boots because it is the least likely to damage the root. You can add fertilizer around the roots and cover it with a layer of soil that will then be well watered. Extra fertilization is not required later.

Prune the cherry tree regularly, but only in the idle state. Cherish and preserve the tree because cherry is known as a healthy fruit with a low glycemic index, rich in potassium and promotes the excretion of water from the body. Enjoy a beautiful cherry blossom and juicy, sweet fruits with our tips.