Biting celery can remove the unpleasant breath from your mouth. Its crunchy structure increases the amount of saliva in the mouth and thus removes the breath.

Celery is one of the foods we cook almost daily. It is indispensable in salads, soups and stews. But did you know what he is all about when it comes to health?

1. Fighter for the lean line
In most cases, the celery stem is made up of 83 percent water and a healthy amount of fiber. The energy value of 100 grams of celery is small - 14 kcal / 59 kJ. Of that, 0.69 percent is protein, 2.97 percent carbohydrate, and 0.17 percent fat. Celery stalk is often consumed raw as a snack because, as some say, chewing consumes more calories than the stalk itself. A large percentage of water makes celery an ideal summer food to provide your body with enough fluid, and as it is "low in calories", it is suitable for anyone who wants to lose extra pounds.

2. Lower the pressure
This versatile vegetable contains active substances that naturally relax the muscles in and around the walls of the arteries. They also lower blood pressure and promote the health of the circulatory system by reducing stress hormones.

3. Calm the nervous system
Celery contains significant amounts of magnesium, potassium and calcium. The beneficial effect of these minerals is to calm the nervous system. Even Hippocrates prescribed celery stem juice to patients suffering from nervous tension.

4. Protects against leukemia
Dutch researchers at the University of Groningen say one component of foods such as parsley and celery can beat blood cancer - leukemia! Studies have shown that the flavonoid in question, apigenin, has stopped the growth of two cell types that occur in leukemia.

5. Help with kidney stones
Celery is a great diuretic. The potassium and sodium they contain help regulate body fluid, and in addition stimulates the production of urine. It properly directs renal function, and by removing toxins it prevents scale buildup.

6. Anti-inflammatory properties
Celery is recommended for people suffering from arthritis, rheumatism and gout. Its anti-inflammatory properties found in semen help reduce swelling and pain around the joints, and will relieve you of muscle cramps as well.

7. Refreshes breath
Biting celery can remove the unpleasant breath from your mouth. Its crunchy structure increases the amount of saliva in the mouth and thus removes the breath. Also, if you are starving for a long time (be aware, for health and vitality experts recommend more small meals instead of two or three larger meals a day), more stomach acid will be collected and it will surely be felt by people near you.